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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Out with the old, in with....Ty-Ku?

This healthy lifestyle journey has been more about making different choices than about cutting things out entirely-except when it comes to alcohol. Keri and I have both been instructed to not drink, which is positively evil as far as I’m concerned. Though you are talking of course to the girl who took off of work for the Braves opener on Monday for 4+ hours of tailgating. With no beer or hotdogs allowed. Godspeed, Rebecca Crosby.
Anyway, we can’t drink now but once we’re in maintenance mode in 6 weeks we can slowly incorporate healthier alcohol choices (in small amounts!) back into our lifestyle. Obviously, not drinking at all would be the best choice, but that's not gonna happen :)
The problem is, I don’t really know what a healthy alcohol choice is-in fact I’ve often thought of “healthy alcohol” as an oxymoron. I’m a Tanquerey & Tonic, pints of Guinness kind of person. But if I’ve revamped everything from my idea of a workout to my idea of dinner, my view of a drink needs a facelift too.
You can probably imagine my shock when I tried a healthier alcohol I actually like. The line is called Ty-Ku, and their signature liqueur is awesome! It’s made with honeydew and ginseng, and has no preservatives or added sugars. It's actually really refreshing, and I don't miss the sugar. It's just sweet enough thanks to the honeydew.
I had it a couple ways-in a mock margarita with Ty-Ku replacing the triple sec and sour mix, and also as the base for a cosmo-both were awesome and I didn’t feel deprived! Even better, there are several recipes that end up being 100 calories or less-not like my T&T’s. It’s being served at Genki, Rathbun’s, Twist, Aja, and several other restaurants around town, as well as Greene's liquor stores, so check it out if you see it.
Who knows, maybe this will become synonymous with baseball season from now on! Could Ty-Ku and Iced Tea be my new T&T? Hmm....