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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Story

We all have our stories. Reasons we are who we are in this moment. Influences that brought us here. Maybe even fears.

For me, I've always been a little on the heavy side. Once I hit my late 20's early 30's, it got worse. Having a work from home job, kept me pretty stationary most of the day. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but the way I was operating wasn't working for my physical wellness.

And then tragedy struck. Family members came down with cancers that were scary, and as I write this, three of the closest people to me died. One from cancer, and two from heart related issues. It scared me. I didn't want to end up one day battling cancer. Not after seeing some of the things I had witnessed.

I knew that losing even 10 pounds could reduce my risk for lots of illnesses, including cancer. And that by feeding my body whole foods and not processed ones, it would be better for me. And then I heard about AdvoCare. I saw people having success, so I tried it. It worked. With little tweaks here and there to my existing diet, I was able to drop 12 pounds and keep it off in the first 24 days. I am now down 16 pounds and feel alive inside again.

Once I saw the validity of the products, I wanted to share them with people I care about. People I want to see around for a long time. And I meet new people all the time that I know would benefit from AdvoCare in their life. The best part? I'm getting paid to do it. I don't have to quit my job, or work full time at it, and I'm growing something I like to call my "Plan B" - which may or may not become my Plan A, but will at least be able to pad my retirement, so I don't have to worry so much about that.

If you're reading this, it's because I want you to be around and be healthy for those in your life who count on you, love you and need you. Whether they count on you physically or financially, AdvoCare can be the light at the end of the tunnel!

