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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Clean Eating with AdvoCare

I don't know if my mind turned off my cravings or the AdvoCare MNS packs cut off my cravings, but I stopped craving junk that I used to love - sweets, fast food, heavy Italian dishes and sugary drinks.

Spark became a life line  - it picks me up when I need it, it tastes great and it has vitamins that make it healthy.

I've also learned to enjoy veggies - did you know you could roast radishes?! They're great. Actually pretty much any vegetable roasted is delicious. Pair that with a grilled chicken breast or a piece of grilled tuna and yum!

For snacks, I'm enjoying Sabra hummus with celery, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots. And you can even replace your mayo with hummus when you make chicken or tuna salad. It retains the same texture and you season as you normally would.

Little tweaks like this can really add up and make a difference in how you feel as well as shedding extra weight!

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