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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Story

We all have our stories. Reasons we are who we are in this moment. Influences that brought us here. Maybe even fears.

For me, I've always been a little on the heavy side. Once I hit my late 20's early 30's, it got worse. Having a work from home job, kept me pretty stationary most of the day. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but the way I was operating wasn't working for my physical wellness.

And then tragedy struck. Family members came down with cancers that were scary, and as I write this, three of the closest people to me died. One from cancer, and two from heart related issues. It scared me. I didn't want to end up one day battling cancer. Not after seeing some of the things I had witnessed.

I knew that losing even 10 pounds could reduce my risk for lots of illnesses, including cancer. And that by feeding my body whole foods and not processed ones, it would be better for me. And then I heard about AdvoCare. I saw people having success, so I tried it. It worked. With little tweaks here and there to my existing diet, I was able to drop 12 pounds and keep it off in the first 24 days. I am now down 16 pounds and feel alive inside again.

Once I saw the validity of the products, I wanted to share them with people I care about. People I want to see around for a long time. And I meet new people all the time that I know would benefit from AdvoCare in their life. The best part? I'm getting paid to do it. I don't have to quit my job, or work full time at it, and I'm growing something I like to call my "Plan B" - which may or may not become my Plan A, but will at least be able to pad my retirement, so I don't have to worry so much about that.

If you're reading this, it's because I want you to be around and be healthy for those in your life who count on you, love you and need you. Whether they count on you physically or financially, AdvoCare can be the light at the end of the tunnel!



Sunday, August 24, 2014

Exercise Fail?

I have to mention that I haven't been able to exercise much, due to a bad case of tendinitis that is having trouble healing. So while yes, I advocate for physical activity, I do know there are times when it will be limited or not possible.

This doesn't mean you won't have success with AdvoCare. I may mean your progress takes a little longer. But remember, you're fueling your body with healthy foods and supplements. Don't give up!

Do what you can, at your own pace. Everyone's body is different. If cardio is an issue, try lifting weights. Tai Chi is a form of gentle stretching and relaxing of the body and is very low impact. I can and do some Tai Chi during the week.

You're on a journey - practice, not perfection.


Cravings, take a hike!

I have cravings. You know the ones. The ones that are difficult to ignore. You try to push them away, but they return with a vengeance. You eat something else, something healthy, thinking it will satisfy you. You do this too, don't you?

Nights were the worst for me. I have suffered from insomnia for many years now, and when you can't sleep and there's no one around who's awake, well TV and a snack are awfully inviting. Too inviting. 45lbs inviting. Yikes.

But I don't have them anymore. And the thing that I've changed is my AdvoCare MNSMAX Pack pack. Instead of using the MNSMAX 3 pack, I switched to the MNSMAX C (for craving control) and boy, it did it help. I was able to resist sugary treats that were all around me without batting an eye or feeling deprived. I will definitely continue using this!

You can check it out here.

If you're having trouble with cravings, you owe it to yourself to give this a shot. It made a difference in my plateau and I lost another 5 lbs during the 14 days the box includes supplements for!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Clean Eating with AdvoCare

I don't know if my mind turned off my cravings or the AdvoCare MNS packs cut off my cravings, but I stopped craving junk that I used to love - sweets, fast food, heavy Italian dishes and sugary drinks.

Spark became a life line  - it picks me up when I need it, it tastes great and it has vitamins that make it healthy.

I've also learned to enjoy veggies - did you know you could roast radishes?! They're great. Actually pretty much any vegetable roasted is delicious. Pair that with a grilled chicken breast or a piece of grilled tuna and yum!

For snacks, I'm enjoying Sabra hummus with celery, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots. And you can even replace your mayo with hummus when you make chicken or tuna salad. It retains the same texture and you season as you normally would.

Little tweaks like this can really add up and make a difference in how you feel as well as shedding extra weight!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

After the Cleanse...

So the Cleanse is over, I'm feeling great and have lost 7 pounds! I'm feeling more energy, the Spark has helped me kick my coffee habit. I feel energetic, and can feel the difference in my body by cleaning it out and feeding it healthy foods. So what's next?

The MAX phase.

This is the last 2 weeks of the 24-Day Challenge where your body is ready to receive nutrients and continue dropping pounds.

First, you get to enjoy a delicious Meal Replacement Shake (MRS) each morning. Yeah, right - I know what you're thinking. But I have tried a million other meal replacement shakes and I can honestly say that this is one of the best ones I have tried. I got the Chocolate, but Vanilla and Berry are also available if that's more to your liking.

These perfectly balanced shakes fill you up amazingly well. They kept me satiated for hours. I wondered if they would (because if you've tried a bunch like I have, you know some of them don't!)

And then you have your MNS packets that keep your body fueled, keep your cravings down and your energy going. I was shocked at just how well they worked. I like sweets. They hushed those cravings. I'm usually hungry all the time. Not on AdvoCare. It makes it easy to make good decisions when your body isn't out of control driving your decisions out of a craving or hunger.

This is doable, and not very difficult. Give it a try, you won't regret it. I don't. www.fitnesswithspark.com

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Advocare Cleanse in process

Well, the cleanse is nothing like I thought it would be. No running to the bathroom. Aside from actually drinking the fiber drink in the morning and taking the herbal cleanse pills in the evening, it was a breeze.

I did cut out all dairy during this time and ate lean proteins, fruits, veggies and complex carbs. A few tweaks to my diet and I was set. 

By Day 3 I had a Spring in my step. I felt clearer headed, I had more energy and I even think I stopped sweating so much. It was crazy good. 

I was waking up ready to tackle the day. I was sleeping better at night. I was even more focused on the tasks I had to accomplish. 

By day 10, I no longer felt a slave to my body and had said a cheerful goodbye to 7 pounds. I was in my way...

Check out the AdvoCare product lines at www.fitnesswithspark.com

Monday, July 7, 2014

Advocare - Starting the Cleanse

OK, so it was time to get started. The cleanse phase was first. This is what you receive:

Inside this box are 3 different components.

1. The Fiber Drink
2. The Probiotic Restore
3. Herbal Cleanse Tablet

That Fiber Drink was scary at first! I didn't know what to expect, if I would be running to the bathroom all day! Well, I'm pleased to share that my experience was gentle and uneventful. However, I could tell within the first few days that I had more energy and my body felt better. Better than I had in years!

In addition to the Herbal Cleanse, I drank Spark a couple of times a day:

I Love Love Love the Fruit Punch flavor. It's like drinking a healthy Hawaiian Punch. So refreshing. So delicious. And so good for you.

These Spark drinks kept me energized and focused all day long. No jitters, no drop off. Just sustainable energy.

And they come in lots of different flavors, so you can find one perfect for you.

After the 3rd day, I was feeling much more energetic and clear headed (and no frantic trips to the bathroom!) In just three days, I was hooked. I wanted to keep feeling this good every day of my life....


Sunday, July 6, 2014

AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge

I'm a skeptic. I readily admit it. So when my friend Katy started her AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge, I thought she was a sucker. I might have even laughed. And then I started seeing her results. She was losing weight and feeling better. And better and better each day. Then my cynicism turned to envy. I wanted her results.

So I started talking to her about it and decided to try the AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge for myself. 

And this begins my AdvoCare story. 

Want to learn more? Here's a link to all that's included. https://www.advocare.com/140649750/Mobile/Store/ItemDetail.aspx?itemCode=99050&id=A

I'll be sharing my story in the days ahead. But I'll give you a hint. AdvoCare works!